So, our theme for the year is it's Time to Act. In light of recent messages, I have heard several stories of people "acting" out their faith.
One man from church shared about walking out of his office building and encountering a man that needed a buck for bus fare. He did not have anything to give in his pocket so he apologized and moved on. As he was walking to his car, played over in his mind the words of the message, "maybe I don't have any money but what I have I'll give to you" so he thought – "How can I help, what DO I Have?" HE realized that he could not offer this man a ride because he was on a tight schedule so he quickly dug through the seats and cup-holders of his car and found enough change to buy the man bus fare. He ran back in and gave it to the man and helped him on his way!
I love that… someone that remembered to ask themselves "What CAN I do?"
I just heard another story last night, a couple from Osceola Grace has spent the last several years being part of a club where they know they will rub shoulders with some people that need Christ. The husband of one of the couples from this group has pancreatic cancer and just recently found that he has a year to live. The wife of the Osceola Grace couple delivered a meal there and then sat down and asked if she could share the "Life's Most Important Question" tract with them. They listened and then asked if they could keep the tract. She planted a seed! Let's pray that God will use that to draw them to a saving knowledge of His Son, Jesus Christ.
With all of the tragedy in the world around us, I cannot help but think that the time is closer and closer when Jesus returns. Remember: It is not about ME getting across the finish line but it is about how many others can I bring with me!
It is Time to Act! Here are four things to pray specifically about today:
- A love for lost people like God has
- Courage to speak when the time is right
- Opportunities to speak – people to talk with
- Eyes to see the people that God brings to you.
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