
Six Ideas to Try to Apply

I love Proverbs – it is always full of timely and face-slapping advice. Here are a few of the thoughts that I collided with today.

  1. Trust God for today and today alone – even though I need to plan ahead, I cannot live for tomorrow! (Prov. 27:1)
  2. Just do the right thing – if others notice… fine. If not, know that God saw it. (Prov. 27:2)
  3. Only a friend can burst a friend's prideful bubbles when they need to and still do it in love. (Prov. 27:5,6 and 17)
  4. Taking advice can help you avoid painful consequences of poor choices. (Prov. 27:9,12)
  5. Sometimes you just can't help – it takes someone taking responsibility for themselves to change. (Prov. 27:22)
  6. Pay careful attention to what God has given you of His treasure to manage and you will have enough, just enough! (Prov. 27:23-27)

When you read the Word of God – do you take the time to reflect upon how you should respond to it?

My mom once told me "Gregory, stay on our block until you learn to ride your bike better." I road down the into the next block and saw someone weaving their bike from side to side and thought how fun and cool that looked. The next thing I remember is being carried home with the side of my face covered in road rash because I tried it.

Once again, my mom knew what she was talking about. She could talk until she was blue in the face but unless I chose to take her advice – I would continue to make poor choices with painful consequences. Often – those who have been around the block know the right choices to make. You do not always have to experience the pain to know it is worth avoiding.

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