
God is Overall

Last week began a challenge to our depth of trust and faith in the God whom we serve….My wife posted this note on her Facebook account last week (August 11)

"I took Ryan to the doctor today to check out a huge bruise on his arm from a football injury. The doctor ordered an x-ray and some routine blood work. The arm is not broken, so we were sent on our way.

I left the Elkhart Clinic, drove to Twin Branch to meet friends for ice cream and my phone rang. The nurse insisted that we return to the clinic right away for a repeat of the blood work - Ryan's platelet count is way to low. So we grabbed our ice cream, I left Jenna with the other family, and we headed straight back to the lab. When we arrived at the lab, the receptionist told me that the nurse left specific instructions to NOT leave the clinic, but to head directly to the doctor's office to wait for results. (She said, "We are running this again, STAT.") That didn't sound good.

We waited about 20 min., and the doctor called us back to an exam room to inform us that Ryan's platelets ARE too low, the doctor had already called the hematologist/oncologist next door to see Ryan NOW. (Normal range is 130,000 to 300,000 and Ryan's count was 10,000.)

SO- by this time I'm getting freaked out. Ryan texted Greg to let him know what's going on, Greg immediately came to the clinic. We met with the specialist, he questioned us about cancer in the family, bruises, fevers, rashes, tiredness, etc.....nothing is really going on with Ryan that gave the doctor any huge red flags. He really has no other symptoms.

Right now Ryan is being treated for ITP- it's a big long medical word that means "low platelet count." He is on steroids to try to bring the count up. He will have blood work on Thursday and Monday, and see the doctor next Wednesday to see if there is any sign of improvement. If there is not, Ryan must undergo a bone marrow test. That's not good. Typically, people with ITP get the steroids and they are fine the rest of their lives.

Ryan is temporarily benched from football. VERY upset kid. He feels fine. This is his third season of missing the opening games due to illnesses. But if he plays and gets hurt, he could bleed to death or if he has a head injury it could be life-threatening.

So, please pray. We are already so thankful that Ryan hasn't been hurt seriously on the field! We could've found out about this in the middle of a game, and the end result would be devastating. We are putting our trust in the God we serve."

Then on Thursday, August 13:

Cari wrote: "Lab work results: Ryan's platelets are up to 28,000. That's progress! Thanks for all the encouraging words and especially your prayers."

Then back to the doctor on Monday, August 17 (two times):

Part ONE:

Cari wrote: "More blood work this morning: Ryan's platelets have dropped from 28,000 to 14,000 and the doctor wants to see him this afternoon. Please pray."

Part TWO:

Cari wrote: "Waiting is so frustrating. We have spent much of today waiting. Waiting for blood to be drawn, waiting for the results for an hour to no avail, came home and waited for the nurse to call with those results, waited for an hour to see the doctor this afternoon. I guess that room just past the receptionist is named accurately: "Waiting Room" The sign on the door should read: "Welcome to our freezing cold waiting room." :)

Nothing new to report. We have to just WAIT and see if his platelets increase. Ryan has more bloodwork on Thursday morning. If there is no improvement, Ryan will have a bone marrow procedure in the office. We are praising God that all his other levels are normal. The doctor has not seen any pre-cancer cells in the blood smear under a microscope. That's all great news! We are going to wait on the Lord now.

Many thanks to all of you who are praying. We know we are surrounded by people who love us and who trust our God. Your thoughts, prayers, encouraging words and verses are greatly appreciated."

Thanks for praying – ask God to help us to be able to live out HIS purpose to HIS glory through all of this!

1 comment:

Pastor Scott said...

Hi Greg! Thanks for posting this so that we can be praying. Please know that I am praying specifically and fervently for Ryan, for you, for Cari, and for the doctors!

Love ya, bro!