
Surprise Surprise

So I went for another round of blood work this morning with Ryan. We waited for the least amount of time so far - maybe 15 minutes - to get the results. The nurse opens the door and says come on back. Then right in the door way she says - "It's 32,000 - sorry..." On Monday his platelet count was 31,000 so we were hoping it was going to double or come close at least. He has been on steriods for 8 days and we anticipated a huge jump but it did not happen.
She offered to let us stay and talk to the doc but we all know that he set the bar at 100,000 for playing football and for getting off the drugs so what can he tell us that will help?
He comes in and looks at the numbers and smiles and say "Very good, very good" (in his chinese accent :) - i have not yet found out where he is from in China...my goal for next weeek). I was wondering why that was very good...it did not seem like we were getting anywhere.
"So Doc, is there another test that should be done to see if there is something more going on here?" He tells me that there is nothing else to really do except wait - they will go up in the coming weeks. Next question: "Should we change his diet or give him supplements? Maybe a tranfusion to get him more platelets?"
Again - he tells me that the platelets are good andthen he goes into this long explanation that he had to do two times for me to get but it was about how the platelets are winning and the antibodies are dying at a faster rate then the platelets so we are on the right track. And " oh...just come back once next week for tests and you can play tomorrow night. ok?"
Play football? "But I thought you said 100,000 or at least 65,000?"
The answer, "No, He can play...you are stable now. 30,000 is very healthy but we need to monitor you weekly over the next couple of months til they get to 100,000 then we back down the steriods. you can play"
Needless to say - I am puzzled but Ryan is elated - along with Tim, who gets to see his brother play before he heads to Ohio for the first semester of his sophomore year at Malone Univ.
God is crazy...and great... and mighty...He turns hearts (and medical decisions and conditions) as He wishes and we are just asked to obey Him, love Him and praise Him.
So, I do.
I love you God. I will praise you wherever I go. I wil strive to obey your precepts so that I can honor you more each day. Thanks. thanks. You are so good.

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