
A Journey of VAST proportions

I love Vacation Bible Schools but I really LOVE ours! We revamped how we do it about 15 years ago and we have seen such amazing results with both volunteers and new people to our church along with a great reputation in our community! We divide all the kids up by grades and have line leaders for each grade and then have them go from station to station throughout the morning! Instead of having a story teller and a craft person and a game person and a verse person leading it for each grade we have one person in charge of each of those things and then the kids come to them. It is so smooth and works out well for everyone.

The impact for the kingdom that we have is also incredible. We have people that get to use their creative skills and their administrative skills to the point of excellence. Over the last 15 years we have literally had thousands of kids come through here that have heard about Jesus Christ. We have had hundreds of decisions for Jesus and have visited hundreds of homes to invite the parents to come to our church. We do not purchase a package because we found that when we did we only used a portion of it so we started using our own creative juices and putting themes together on our own - WOW have these people been creative.

Check out our website at www.ogbc.net and follow what happens this year through our "Jungle Journey – A Quest for Truth". Look under the Media tab for Jungle Journey 2008. We had 252 kids this year on day one – we'll see what the rest of the week holds! Pray for us as we strive to expand the kingdom for Jesus through reaching children and then their parents.

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