
Do People Bug You?

Do you ever get tired of being in a group or in a crowd? Do you ever just want to be alone and can't seem to find the way to make it happen? With Jesus it may have been the case because we see that the crowds just followed Him everywhere in the height of His popularity. He tried every now and then to get away and yet the crowds seemed to find out and follow Him.

What was His response to all of that attention? Did he grab His hair and just scream? Did He get mad and yell at them?

No. Two different times He recognized that the crowd had been around a long time and was probably hungry and instead of sending them off, Scripture says that He felt compassion on them and fed them.

In Matthew 9:36 (NIV) we see what Jesus felt as He looked out over the crowds, "When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd."

Scripture records quite a few places describing the deep love that Jesus felt for the crowds. Do you know…these are some of the same crowds that lined the streets as He carried the cross, these are some of the same crowds that shouted "Crucify Him!" along with the Pharisees. Jesus loved those who admired him but He also loved those who hated Him. Jesus reached out to his community – the seekers of something spiritual and the "thrill seekers" - those who were just looking for a show or a miracle.

When you look out at your neighbor – what do you feel? A deep love for someone who may need Jesus or a disgust because they can't seem to keep their yard mowed or get the trash heap taken care of or the dead vehicle that never seems to move.

How would Jesus see them? As someone who needs a shepherd – a person that truly cares.

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