
You’ve Got It All!

I am amazed at the things that I see on TV or hear on the radio or EVEN hear from people in the church that appeals to my sense of greed vs. need. There are so many things that I do not have and so many ways that I "fall short" by the standards of the community in which I live and yet, I continue to find out that I am truly blessed with those things that I DO have and by the way that God meets my every need. I have learned so much as I try to depend on Him more and more and yet I also keep learning that I do not depend enough on Him. An interesting dilemma to be in as a disciple of Jesus.

I find that same principle at work in my spiritual life, too. I find that I want to be a mature Christ follower but I often don't think I have what it takes to accomplish it. There is always someone more "spiritual" than me or more" in tune with the Spirit" than I am. So what am I missing? There must be a trick, a secret, a special thing I have to have or do that makes this "spiritual life" thing work. Well, 2 Peter says it is not a secret and there is something involved that we have to do – I am trying to run through this 2 Peter chapter 1 cycle more and more and as I do I find my faith growing. So what is the secret?

2 Peter 1:3 says we have been given everything that we need for LIFE and GODLINESS – WOW! Then it goes on to say that as a believer in Jesus – one who has placed faith in Christ for eternal life – I should add to my faith. What do I add? Seven things:

  1. Goodness - that action that follows our faith and moves us toward service and change
  2. Knowledge – the expanding of what it means to be like Jesus by reading His word and gaining insight and understanding
  3. Self-Control – UH OH – once I have knowledge of something I should do and have not OR something I should NOT do and yet I DO – it puts me in a place of decision. Will I or won't I obey? Discipline to choose the right path and step forward to follow through.
  4. Perseverance – AHHH – once the right decision is made, inevitably, we are faced with a struggle – follow through on the hard path or give up. Here is where the rubber meets the road. Do you trust God to help you through or not? Stick with it when you know it is right!
  5. Godliness – Whoa! At this stage your level of "godliness" is raised. How about that – "godliness" that attribute of being like God. Not that you are God – that ain't gonna happen, BUT you attain a level of that that includes humility in having persevered and succeeded. Give credit where credit is due – Who helped you through? The Holy Spirit.
  6. Brotherly Kindness – you are on the track of realizing that this is not all about you and it is about serving those around in need. You begin to develop a love for those around and see their needs and look outside of your own person interests. Seek the good and well being of others and you are growing and stretching your faith.
  7. LOVE – true "Agape" love. That love that gives itself freely for another without expecting anything in return. You are there! NOT QUITE!

The passage goes on to explain that we can make it through one cycle of that and become a little more productive and effective but we need to have these qualities in "increasing measure". Now that you faith has grown a little through one cycle – we walk through the cycle again and grow a little more. And then a little more. Again and again and your faith (and mine as I do this also) grows and stretches. The hardest part for me is 3 and 4 – deciding the right course and then sticking with it through the hardest of times. But when I have – I can point to those times as to when I have grown the most. Press on in Real Life – that is all we have!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

of course.. "The essence of capitalism is to transform nature into commodities and commodities into capital".