Are Your Eyes Open and Your Heart Willing To Act?Sometimes I think that I am so caught up in my own world, my own agenda, my own friends and my own thoughts that I miss what God wants me to do.
Not so with my wife!

- We will sit in a restaurant and she will see an older man or woman sitting alone and wonder what their story is. Then she bats her beautiful eyes as she asks if we can anonymously pay for their dinner. How do you refuse that sort of generosity (or those eyes)?
- We will be leaving Aldi's and she walks the cart over to someone just arriving and gives them the cart (and the quarter) and says, "Have a great day - I just wanted to pass a blessing on to you."
- We will be leaving a parking lot and she will see someone struggling to get something in the trunk of their car and ask me to help them.
- She will see someone digging in their purse for a few coins at a checkout counter and will offer to help them with her grocery money.
- She wants me to pay for the people behind us at toll booths just because its fun to bless someone without them knowing it is coming.
All of the things in that video - are in my wife's nature.
Why can't we all be that way?
Why can't each of us walk around with our eyes open and our heart willing to see the need and meet the need?I love the heart that my wife has for seeing needs and willingly, immediately, without hesitation meeting that need - sometimes at great sacrifice to her own desires and needs.
What if we actually lived out each day the love that we claim to have toward God by "loving our neighbors as we love ourselves"? Matt 22:37-40
What would this world look like then?
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