
Count Your Blessings…

I read through my journal this morning. This one that I am on goes back to October 2009. It documents some of my thoughts about a decision that our church leadership team made that deeply wounded our church family. (a bad call that we are still recovering from) It has a series of prayers written out to God that reminded me of how our confidence should come from God and not from our own strength or skill. ( an AH HA moment for our leaders as we recognized how God had worked) As I read through all of my thoughts during that time and even some of my prayers and thoughts early this year and throughout the summer – I was reminded how inadequate I am but how blessed I am. (But I have learned to trust Him more and more)

I have so much to be thankful for – my inadequacies are not of chief concern! I have been blessed with a great family that loves each other. I have been blessed with extended family that is generous and kind and loving and we enjoy getting together! I have been blessed with countless friends and church family that constantly lift me up in prayer and seek to encourage me and my family.

I have been blessed with health (more or less) throughout my family. I have seen God provide our physical needs at just the right time in amazing ways. Of course I am inadequate! We all are! God designs us to be dependent upon Him and if we never recognize our faults, shortcomings or needs than we will never be humble enough to understand how to depend upon Him. I am learning continually about how truly blessed I am to be allowed to speak to the God of the universe and to realize that He enjoys my humble ramblings to Him.

I am blessed to be included as His child and there is never a better place to be.

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