
Be a True Fan of Jesus

I have been reading a book by Seth Godin called "Tribes" and have found it to be very insightful about what a church leader should look for. There is one place (p33) where he says,

"Too many organizations care about numbers, not fans. They care about hits or turnstile clicks or media mentions. What they are missing is the depth of commitment and interconnection that true fans deliver. Instead of always being on the hunt for one more set of eyeballs, true leaders have figured out that the real win is in turning a casual fan into a true one.

Fans, true fans, are hard to find and precious. Just a few can change everything."

So if we change the word fan to "committed disciples of Jesus Christ" then suddenly it gives you a real vision for true church growth and impact. My focus, my passion, my drive in the last five years has been developing around this very idea and yet Mr Godin (not even follower of Christ as far as I know) has nailed it in just two paragraphs.

Oh what kind of "tribe" we could have if there we had 300 people that were so sold out to God that their passion was to do exactly what Jesus said, "Love God with all your heart soul and mind and then love people." If we truly love God we will truly love people and if 300 of us were wholeheartedly committed to it then 300 of us would share it and 300 of us we disciple 300 others and we would soon have 600 true fans of Jesus. And so on, and so on, and so on.

But we are not there yet. So how many true fans of Jesus do we have at Osceola Grace? How many are commending to others what they cherish most in God? Do you believe in the "product" you are pushing? Do you believe it enough to live it out boldly?

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