

There are some things that are so hard to figure out. There are those things that are obvious. And then, there are those things that we'll never know until eternity – if we actually get to know then or not – I am not sure. But regardless of the theology behind that statement, some things happen with apparent randomness and they cause major frustration. (possibly the personal response and the handling of those events is the real answer to "why…")

Let's go back a bit.

In June 2008, Tim wanted a car. We found a car – 1990 Toyota Corolla with some hot tires and a cool stereo and a sound engine. Not to pretty but reliable.

Within a month – it had been broken into and the stereo was stolen. Broken dash plates and such with no insurance on this since it was such an old car. We get a window and replace it on our own: $35. Soon, someone traded Tim time and sweat for a stereo. A really nice one.

Then – the exhaust system gets a major hole ($135), the tie rods fall apart ($200) and the rear strut needs replaced ($100) al just to get Tim back to school in Ohio. The car remains parked because there is no gas money to run around now (reference above $$$) and so it is only used on Sunday to go to church and back.

Today – 8:00 AM – Tim calls and says the driver side window is smashed in and the stereo is gone (again). His question – "Why? I have been good. I didn't do anything." My answer… you know – the dad perfect and right answer that covers all the questions your child asks… you know, the "pastoral" answer that suddenly makes the situation perfectly clear in the plan of God…you know, the manly answer that allows the friend to find the resolve to continue since there really is a plan…

My answer… "I don't know, Tim. I just don't know."

I wish I did. I wish I could help. I wish I could fix it. I wish I could protect him from having to experience the lessons of life. I wish I could hug him right now.

He is frustrated, discouraged and five hours away. And he is my son.


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