
Why Two Service Styles?

Over the last several years the leadership here at Osceola Grace has puzzled over, discussed, prayed about and planned for the occasion when we would need to go to two services and change the twenty year old paradigm of “how we do church”. This spring, it became evident that we were close to that point but the surprising twist was that the catalyst was not what we anticipated. We thought that we would reach a point where we would have a capacity crowd that would force us to change. Instead, we spent some time listening to the needs of some of our extended church family that were feeling like they were not able to connect to God in a meaningful way during the services. Part of it was due to the style of music (of course, that is always a reason for dissension), part of it was that we use illustrations that involve some fun yet crazy activities, part of it was the videos clips that we use and part of it was the dramas. Any one of those things is of little consequence to some (especially in today’s culture) and in and of themselves – there isn’t anything wrong with them. However, due to the broad age span and worship experience of our families, we were causing some to struggle with the ability to have their heart in a right place when it came time for the message.
I know, you say – this is absurd – you cannot let people gripe and complain and force you to change because of their heart condition. True, but also, I want to do ALL that I can to become whatever I need to be so that some may come to Jesus Christ. If they are part of the body of Christ and simpy adding a second traditional service with more traditional songs is a means of helping them to connect with our God and move a step closer to Jesus then isn't that worth doing? Therefore, we prayed a lot more and planned a lot more and decided to go ahead and start a second service – a traditional one! It starts at 8:00 AM and will end by 9:15 AM. It will not have childcare or children’s programs available nor will it be permanent if it does not grow and accomplish its’ purpose. This service will be more formal and will not use the lighting, power point, dramas, videos or activities that the contemporary service will have. However, it will have meaningful hymns and an identical message and challenge to its audience to live out our core values.
We want all of our families to move people closer to Jesus Christ through intentional relationships and friendships, we want to see each family expanded as they seek to meet and include new people in their families and we want to continue to do activities that will show our community that we care. Those are the core values that we live by at Osceola Grace.
Plus - I work hard on planning and presenting what God leads me to and through - why not have two shots to get it right! :)

1 comment:

Pastor Scott said...

I have found that one of the best benefits of multiple services is that I know what jokes work and what jokes don't before I go into the second service which is the one I tape for the internet. This way all my jokes on the web are actually funny!

Praying for you and OGBC, bro!