
Worship – Not what it used to be

I have been reading a lot on worship lately. This is not exactly what I was expecting. I seriously have never spent a great deal of time contemplating what true worship is or what true worship entails. But as I have studied some and read some other authors thoughts on the idea of true worship, I have come to question many things about my own spiritual life.
First, look up any references to "worship" or any combination of the word in the New Testament. You see the Magi search for and find the Christ child and immediately fall down and worship. You see Peter and the disciples watching Jesus walking on water and then Peter jumps up to join Him. Whoa! Watch that first step, dude, it is a doozey. They both climb back in the boat and then Jesus turns, addresses the storm and it all instantly stops. The disciples' response? They worshiped him – in fear! How about Mary and the others as they approach the empty tomb of Jesus and then encounter him in the garden? Fall down and worship at His feet. As people encountered Jesus, their response was worship.

I wondered…who brought the piano along or the organ? Where was the guitar? Did someone bring an amp along just in case there would be a chance to "worship"? How about that poor drummer boy carrying his set everywhere just in case?

Why do we call the singing portion of the service on Sunday – "worship" – what are we doing the rest of the time?

A bigger question…why do we call it a "Worship Service"? Is it our one time throughout the week that we have set aside to worship God? Oh, well…harrumph… I do my devotions each day, too, though.

Worship – a commitment in my heart to live and breathe and act every moment in such a way as to let God get glory from something I say, do or think.

60/60/24/7/52/36 – seconds in a minute/minutes in an hour/ hours in a day/ days in a week/weeks in a year/ probable years left in my life (Psalm 90:10)

How will I spend my next 36 years? How will I spend the next week? How will I use the next hour? How will I use the next minute or second?

When I encounter Jesus, God the Father or His Holy Spirit, which is permanently embedded within my being since I have believed on Christ, what response will I have? Worship? Or resistance? Will I bow, obey and glorify or stand tall and proud, disobey and rebel thus dishonoring the very God I pledged to serve.

Oh God…help me to bow my knee to you – even while I yet live.